The Ladies' Room

Kassandra DeMonte

job: Executive Director aka Boss
nickname: Demonsythe
age: 26
height: 5ft 6in
Kassandra is the idealistic boss of theDesktop Deamons video game company. Young though she maybe, she is a determined lead developer. Her cuteness counteracts her being a tough boss.

Niriko Modville

job: Character Animator
nickname: Niri-chan
age: 24
height: 6ft 2in
Since she is the newest employee, Niri is the company's rookie. She has the habit of acting more naive than she really is.

Marylyn Demeter

job: Musical Director
nickname: --none--
age: 30
height: 5ft
Marylyn is a usually silent experimental interactive musician. And for some reason, she really hates Vey. Wonder why?