The Men's Room

Vey Getzolski

job: Creative Director
nickname: Majin V
age: 24
height: 6ft
Vey is the head of the art department at Desktop Deamons. He is twisted sarcastic lil' fellow who is easily bored.

Ken Maxwell

job: Lead Programmer
nickname: Sushi
age: 34
height: 5ft 2in
Ken is the head programmer and resident RPG freak at DD. He is also the unofficial head of any of the staff's creative mischief.

Nigel Bounce

job: Programmer
nickname: Knightey
age: 27
height: 5ft 8in
Nigel spend most of his time scanning through code and tweaking it. When not having that fun, he opens up a can in fighting games.

Sid... just Sid

job: Programmer
nickname: System
age: 25
height: 6ft
Silent protagonist would be an apt description of Sid. He's also a mildly gothic, sun fearing hacker. Ya know average.